Australian Centre of Excellence in Melanoma Imaging and Diagnosis

Start / End Date:  2019 to 2022

The Australian Centre of Excellence in Melanoma Imaging and Diagnosis (ACEMID) is collaborative clinical and research program aimed at the early detection of melanoma through a targeted screening program using 3D Total Body Photography and teledermatology.

The ACEMID project will install 15 3D Total Body Photography acquisition stations with five installations each in the states of Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. Each will have centralised reading of the images facilitated by teledermatology. Additionally, ACEMID will implement a national research repository of imaging from all 15 acquisition devices.

ACEMID has been funded by Australian Cancer Research Foundation Partners including the University of Queensland, The University of Sydney, and Monash University. ACEMID will also partner with the state health departments in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. The ACEMID project is being led by the University of Queensland’s Dermatology Research Centre.


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Project members

Professor Peter Soyer

Affiliate of Queensland Digital Health Centre
Queensland Digital Health Centre
Professorial Research Fellow
Frazer Institute