Consumer Forum
NHMRC funded Centre of Research Excellence for the Study of Naevi has been established to conduct research into moles to better prevent, predict and detect skin cancer. This CRE is a internationally unique through its focus on tumorigenesis by studying naevi from epidemiological, clinical, molecular, genetic, dermoscopic and personal behavioural scientific viewpoints.
Leading global skin cancer experts from The University of Queensland (UQ), QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Cancer Council Queensland (CCQ), The University of Sydney and Queensland University of Technology (QUT); led by Professor H. Peter Soyer, Chair in Dermatology and Director, Dermatology Research Centre, UQ.
Date: Wednesday 16 October, 2019
Time: 10.00am to 12.00pm (includes morning tea)
Location: Translational Research Institute (TRI), seminar room 2003, 37 Kent Street, Woolloongabba, QLD 4102
Exciting new research is underway and we would like to share this with you and hear your thoughts and input into new initiatives to fight melanoma.
For more information, please contact Melissa Kerr.